Notice No.25 /2024-25 07/11/2024
Dear Parents,
The afternoon activities for Classes VI to VIII will remain suspended from Monday, 11th November, 2024 to Wednesday, 18th December, 2024 on account of Sports practice.
Loveleen Saigal,
Notice No.24 /2024-25 01/10/2024
Dear All,
Please Download the class schedule of 7th October for Class XII here.
Loveleen Saigal,
Notice No.23/2024-25 26/09/2024
Dear All,
Please Download the PTM (Parent -Teacher Meeting)circular here.
Loveleen Saigal,
Notice No. 22/2024-25 03/09/2024
(Only for VI, IX, X, XI and XII)
Dear Parents,
Greetings from Birla High School!
The festive season is round the corner and each year our school celebrates the Joy of Giving through a ‘Daan Utsav’. This year too, we have decided as a school to reach out to different segments of society from various parts of our city and the suburbs.
I would like to request all our students to contribute a sum of Rs. 100/- (Rupees One Hundred Only) each towards this humanitarian cause. The money can be transferred directly through the Campus Care Parents Portal between 4th September – 10th September, 2024.
The teachers of our school are also generously participating in this drive, so that the underprivileged will benefit in some way through our little contribution.
Thank you in advance for your kind cooperation as always.
Wishing you a very happy festive season ahead.
Loveleen Saigal,
Notice No. 21/2024-25 02/09/2024
Dear Parents,
Please note normal classes and afternoon activities will resume for Classes VI, VII and VIII from Friday, 6th September, 2024.
There will be no classes for students of Classes VI – IX on Thursday, 5th September, 2024.
There will be no classes for students of Classes VI – X on Monday, 9th September, 2024.
Loveleen Saigal,
Notice No. 20/2024-25 27/08/2024
Dear Parents,
Kindly note the schedule for Wednesday, 28 th August, 2024:
- Online classes for UKG to Class II from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon.
- Examinations for Classes III – XII will be postponed. The rescheduled date will be notified later.
- Examination schedule for Classes III- VIII on Thursday, 29 th August, 2024 will continue as planned.
- For Classes IX – XII, the respective class teachers will inform the students about the exam schedule for Thursday, 29 th August, 2024.
Loveleen Saigal,
Notice No.19/2024-25 25/08/2024
Dear parents / guardians,
Kindly take note that due to unavoidable circumstances the classes and exams will remain suspended on Tuesday, 27th August,2024.
In lieu of this the school will remain open on Saturday 31st Aug, 2024. Kindly go through the attachments for the new class wise exam schedule.
Dowonload the reschedule examination details here(Classes VI-X)
Download the reschedule examination details here( Class XI)
Download the reschedule examination details here (class XII)
Loveleen Saigal,
Notice No.18/2024-25 16/08/2024
Download the Reschedule notice for class XI Half Yearly Practical Examination
Loveleen Saigal,
Notice No.17/2024-25 13/08/2024
Independence Day Celebration 2024 and the Felicitation Ceremony will be held in our school on Thursday, 15th August, 2024 as per the details appended here below:
Only Class XII and the Student Council members would be attending the programme for the day.
Reporting time : 10:00 a.m.
Flag Hoisting on the playground : 10:30 a.m.
Cultural Programme followed by the Felicitation Ceremony in the Auditorium : 11:00 a.m.
The Programme should conclude by : 12 noon
Loveleen Saigal,
Notice No.16/2024-25 06/08/2024
Dear Parents / Guardians,
With reference to our Circular dated 29th July, 2024 regarding generation of APAAR ID / PEN No., please note that as soon as the Govt. of West Bengal gives their consent for the same, then it will be activated. You will be notified once the system is activated.
Loveleen Saigal,