Parents' Corner
Parents enjoy ample scope to meet the principal, coordinators and teachers to discuss any matter pertaining to the welfare of their wards. There are visiting hours prescribed in the school diary.
There are orientation ceremonies held in the beginning of the session for every class where the parents have opportunities of meeting teachers and clarifying doubts.
Parent Teachers meets are organized regularly to discuss the conduct, performance and possibilities of every student. The mutual concern thus shared goes a long way to the holistic development of the student.
Besides these mentoring meetings held to meet the parents of underachievers is another way of meeting up to help the child. Teachers are available to render assistance after 2:00p.m. with prior appointments. Parents are always assured of all cooperation for the betterment of their wards.
Moreover parents have their own online portals and they can exploit this to the best of their advantage either using Campus Care or Educomp.
Two school counselors play a vital role in the education system of the school. Together with the teachers and cooperation from the parents, they are constantly dealing with cases that involve difficult children.
Differently able children who need special assistance are attended to and advised at length by a Special Educator giving them extra time and classes.