Notice No.03/2020-21 15/04/2020
Dear Parents,
The entire world is fighting the onslaught of the COVID 19 outbreak and we understand that all of us are going through trying times. Birla High School is trying to reach out to our students in the best possible manner so that they are suitably engaged and academics does not suffer. I would like to thank you for mails/messages of appreciation for the work our teachers are doing.
As you are aware that now the lockdown has been extended to 3rd May,’20 and the school will open post 10th June, ’20. Kindly take note of the circulars which will be put up periodically on the website,
With regard to the fee payment for the Ist quarter -April to June, 2020 :
The management has decided to charge the fees as per last year’s fee structure until further notice.
The last date for the payment of the first quarter fees has been extended to 31st July, 2020.
No late fine charges will be applied and parents can pay online through Campus Care
Hoping that we go back to normalcy as soon as possible. In the meantime let us be safe and take all necessary precautions.
Thank you,
Mrs. Loveleen Saigal