February 2019
Behtar India Awards(2018-19)
Naman Chandgothia of Class X receiving an award at the Behtar India Awards(2018-19) glittering ceremony at Taj Delhi.
FAREWELL for class 12 (2018-19)
The Farewell for the class 12 batch (2018-19) started with almost a magnanimous,resounding roar of BHS! BHS! An underlying sense of gloom was somewhere mixed in all the proceedings, however. It was the last time the batch of class 12 would ever attend a school event being part of the school. The first event lined up was the band performance and they played a wonderful repertoire of songs. The dance team followed with a breathtaking performance. Several awards were given out along with the coveted Mr. BHS. Overall, it was a wonderful experience and a fitting farewell to the batch who has given the school a lot to be proud of.
Friday, the 1st of February 2019 was an auspicious day for all at Birla High School. The Principal, Mrs. L. Saigal and the Two Senior School Co-ordinators along with the staff and students prayed ardently during the Annual Prayer Service for the students of Class X and the outgoing batch of class XII about to appear their upcoming Board examination.The prayer service is conducted acknowledging God’s omnipresence and his timely intervention in our lives. Mrs. Loveleen Saigal, our School Principal, Ms.Suparna Mukherjee and Mrs.Srimati Sen, Co-ordinators of Class XII and X respectively addressed the boys. The Principal besides wishing them the best of luck gave them some very important guidance, suggestions and examination tips. This was followed by words of encouragement and few more tips by the two Co-ordinators of Class X and XII.
Special Assembly on Integrity and Honesty
A special assembly on Integrity and Honesty was held on 1st February 2019 at the school prayer hall. Representatives from JCI which included an ex student of Birla High School had organised the session where students from classes 6, 7 and 8 were shown a motivational video and given inspiring anecdotes on being successful as a human being in life. The session also included an oath taking occasion where all students were made to take a pledge in order to lead a righteous and upright life. The final speech was given by principal ma'am where she highlighted on the aspect of converting words into action.